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Difference between Literature Review and Systematic Literature Review

A literature review, means  reviewing  the existing research work  and information available on a selected study area. For example suppose  research area is effectives of ambush marketing so reviewing the existing work already published on this topic is literature review . A systematic review can be defined as that systematic review that  focused on a specific research question .  For example – Research question is how satisfied the consumers are with amazon delivery service so here my focus is on a specific research question so to review the available research work or information to collect  for this particular research question is systematic  literature review. Lets just understand the difference between two by another example suppose if one wants to do research on factors that influence consumer decision making . then to review all the related research or literature related to this area is literature review this is done to identify the research gap , develop research question but suppose if we focus on one research question suppose that is how family background affects consumer  decision making so that is systematic literature review .   Basis of difference  Literature review  Systematic literature review    1.Meaning    A literature review, means  reviewing  the existing research work  and information available on a selected study area.    A systematic review is focused on a specific research question whereas a literature review is not.   2. Purpose    Purpose of doing literature review is to identify research gap , To gain more information on the selected topic and to suggest further research .    Purpose of systematic literature review is to find the available research work and information related to   a particular research question    3. Example    1. If one wants to do research on factors that influence consumer decision making . then to review all the related research or literature related to this area...

A Comprehensive Guide to Performing Systematic Literature Review

With growing importance of research, huge amount of studies, often with conflicting findings are being published every year. The difference in the findings may occur due to sample variation or any other flaws. In such situations, identifying the most reliable results can be confusing. Literature reviews are performed with varying standards, ranging from annotated bibliography to rigorously synthesising scientific body of research. One such rigorous approach is systematic literature review (SLR).  Systematic review is characterised by replicable, objective and transparent. It involves a systematic search process to identify studies that address a systematic presentation, specific research question and findings & characteristics of the results.  Some of the features of great SLR are:  Identifies contradictions, gaps, relations, and inconsistencies in the literature Describes to what extent the study has succeeded in clarifying the research problem Comments, evaluates and develops theories Gives scope for future research Formulates general statements Offers implications for policy and practice Since systematic review addresses more broader research questions than single empirical study and has the potential to offer practical implications, systematic review remains on the top of hierarchy of evidence.   How to conduct systematic literature review process? The key stages involved in conducting a systematic review process are as mentioned below. Formulate research questions Systematic review begins with formulating research questions. Determine what you want to know about the topic? Who are the target audience? These questions will let you formulate answerable research questions. For example, “ is family therapy a solution for depression?” will generate focused set of answers than “ how people suffering from depression can be helped?” A well-formulated question can be achieved by evaluating narrow research question.  Identify the existing SLR To avoid developing a systematic review that already exists and does not need further updation, familiarise with the literature. This will help you save time and also provide a rationale as...

Importance of Literature Review

Candidates of doctoral or higher level research programs need to read extensively on the context of their chosen domain of research they can also take help of audio visual means to gain knowledge. Literature review also called library research or secondary research includes a review of historical records and present context through sources such as journals, news, books, government reports, conference reports etc. From such a review, the researcher is able to get clarity regarding the context and understand the links of knowledge which can be continued or from which new streams of knowledge can erupt. The researcher can decide how to make a valuable contribution in his field and make the best of his/her...

How to make an ideal literature review

Literature review means critically observing and evaluating substantial information published or researched by the previous scholars. It brings out the old beliefs and limelight the new findings. It is often misconceived as the summary of the research. However, it is something more wide. Though it contains the summarized research but also has the evaluation of the same and shows a relationship between your work and the existing research. A review containing just the summary of the historic events or knowledge is never an ideal one. It should attract readers, guide them and give an overview of the whole research and mark the progression in the patterns of the research. An ideal review unveils the differentiating factor of the research from the existing ones. Which methodology has been undertaken to carry the research and what steps are taken to solve the research question. The material for the literature review can be sought from journals, research papers, old dissertations and internet. Writing a literature review requires colossal of time and has to be done with utmost care. The review will depend upon your topic and the nature of the material. One main thing that has to be taken care while writing a review is focus, correlating to the interest of a broader audience. The resources used must be up-to-date but not overlooking the previous...

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