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Specifying the inclusion and exclusion criteria for systematic literature review

Starting your inclusion and exclusion criteria before you conduct the review is important. This section is  Where you describe the criteria that you will be using to include any research studies in your review. Torgerson (2003) suggests that a high quality systematic review should have inclusion and exclusion Criteria that are ‘rigorously and transparently reported a priori (before you start the review) ‘(Torgerson 2003:26). You may well ask ‘ Why is it necessary’? The reason is so that your search can target the Papers that will answer your questions and exclude any irrelevant ones. The criteria need to be explicit And applied stringently. The criteria you will need to describe the types of research studies you will be Including , the participants, the interventions, comparative groups and outcome measures. PICO now Becomes PICOT. For qualitative systematic reviews use PEO( which will now become PEOT). Please note that whether you are writing a qualitative or quantitative review, all of these steps are same With the expectation that for qualitative reviews for qualitative reviews the data extraction and Presentation of results are conducted a little differently from quantitative reviews.Further details on these Differences can be found in Chapters 7&8. How to specify the inclusion and exclusion criteria for each Components (PICOT or PEOT) of your review question will now be discussed. Specifying the types of studies to be included and excluded When selecting your primary research papers, it is important to select papers with the appropriate design For your particular review question.If you are effectiveness of an intervention, the highest quality research Design for your particular review question. If you are evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention , the Highest quality research designs will be randomized controlled trials or clinical controlled trials (CCTs). (Please refer to the research design section in Chapter 2 to go over the research designs if you...

Preparing for Interviews – Guide for Qualitative Research

There are many different types of question that can be asked and in many different ways. What is common to all questions, though, is that they must be worded in a way that is understood by the respondents and to which respondents can relate. This means ensuring that there are minority-language versions of the questionnaire if the sample is likely to include people who speak a language is unlikely to be sufficiently good to be able to complete an interview in it. By denying sections of the survey population the opportunity to participate in the study, the questionnaire writer is effectively disenfranchising them from influencing the findings. For many studies commissioned by the public sector in countries, it is important that the interview is capable of being conducted in any language that is spoken by a significant number of people in the any language that is the spoken by a significant number of people in the survey population to avoid the danger of disenfranchisement. In the UK Many government studies require questionnaire versions in Welsh, Urdu, Hindi and other languages, and in USA a Spanish-language version will often be required.  The relevance of Minority-language speakers will naturally vary by the subject of the study and degree of accuracy required by the data. For a study of housing conditions it is likely to be important that recently arrived immigrant communities are represented in a sample in correct proportions. If the questionnaire is not available in a language that they understand, they will be effectively excluded and hence under-represented.  For many commercial studies , the issues of minorities can be mostly ignored in many countries, although Spanish versions of questionnaires are frequently necessary in the USA. This is because the most commercial studies the difference that a minority or non- majority language speaking speakers is likely to make the finding small...

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