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Difference between Literature Review and Systematic Literature Review

A literature review, means  reviewing  the existing research work  and information available on a selected study area. For example suppose  research area is effectives of ambush marketing so reviewing the existing work already published on this topic is literature review . A systematic review can be defined as that systematic review that  focused on a specific research question .  For example – Research question is how satisfied the consumers are with amazon delivery service so here my focus is on a specific research question so to review the available research work or information to collect  for this particular research question is systematic  literature review. Lets just understand the difference between two by another example suppose if one wants to do research on factors that influence consumer decision making . then to review all the related research or literature related to this area is literature review this is done to identify the research gap , develop research question but suppose if we focus on one research question suppose that is how family background affects consumer  decision making so that is systematic literature review .   Basis of difference  Literature review  Systematic literature review    1.Meaning    A literature review, means  reviewing  the existing research work  and information available on a selected study area.    A systematic review is focused on a specific research question whereas a literature review is not.   2. Purpose    Purpose of doing literature review is to identify research gap , To gain more information on the selected topic and to suggest further research .    Purpose of systematic literature review is to find the available research work and information related to   a particular research question    3. Example    1. If one wants to do research on factors that influence consumer decision making . then to review all the related research or literature related to this area...

Specifying the inclusion and exclusion criteria for systematic literature review

Starting your inclusion and exclusion criteria before you conduct the review is important. This section is  Where you describe the criteria that you will be using to include any research studies in your review. Torgerson (2003) suggests that a high quality systematic review should have inclusion and exclusion Criteria that are ‘rigorously and transparently reported a priori (before you start the review) ‘(Torgerson 2003:26). You may well ask ‘ Why is it necessary’? The reason is so that your search can target the Papers that will answer your questions and exclude any irrelevant ones. The criteria need to be explicit And applied stringently. The criteria you will need to describe the types of research studies you will be Including , the participants, the interventions, comparative groups and outcome measures. PICO now Becomes PICOT. For qualitative systematic reviews use PEO( which will now become PEOT). Please note that whether you are writing a qualitative or quantitative review, all of these steps are same With the expectation that for qualitative reviews for qualitative reviews the data extraction and Presentation of results are conducted a little differently from quantitative reviews.Further details on these Differences can be found in Chapters 7&8. How to specify the inclusion and exclusion criteria for each Components (PICOT or PEOT) of your review question will now be discussed. Specifying the types of studies to be included and excluded When selecting your primary research papers, it is important to select papers with the appropriate design For your particular review question.If you are effectiveness of an intervention, the highest quality research Design for your particular review question. If you are evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention , the Highest quality research designs will be randomized controlled trials or clinical controlled trials (CCTs). (Please refer to the research design section in Chapter 2 to go over the research designs if you...

How to Effectively Search Relevant Literature with Keywords

When it comes to carrying out research for a literature review, PhD scholars are hit by a mind-boggling question – which keywords should be inserted in the search bar? You should be capable of scooping out all relevant published research papers while writing a literature review, but that becomes feasible only with the correct choice of keywords. Here are the tips that can help you with conducting top-notch research. Break Your Topic Break your topic into its terms and then define keywords for the main idea of your research. Think of more and more keywords related to the central concept so that you can get extensive literature work. For instance, if your topic is “the relationship between speech production and perception”, you will target both phrases – speech production and perception separately. With “speech production” keyword, you will find literature that would revolve around speech production. See the snapshots below. Similarly, with “perception” keyword, you will find the following studies. Use Synonyms Find out synonyms and alternative phrases to selected keywords because you never know which keywords and phrases have been targeted for a particular research paper and journal. For instance, the alternative keywords that you can use to “speech production” are articulation, sentence production, word utterance, word production and so forth. Similarly, you can use comprehension, identification, perceptual identification, identification procedure, speech perception as alternative phrases to “perception”. Use Long Tail keywords Try to use long-tail keywords; ideally a phrase should be between two to four words. Single word keywords are also acceptable, but they may show you inaccurate results. For instance, if use target single word keyword like “speech” you may find lots of results such as digital processing of speech signals, speech style and social evaluation and so on, but all of them would be irrelevant because your idea is restricted to the relationship between speech...

How to Write Masters Dissertation Literature Review?

Probably, masters are the first step where a student gets through the process of writing a dissertation. Hence, it’s important for him to understand the significance of the most important section of a dissertation. Although all the chapters of a dissertation are important however literature review holds the most specific position in the master’s dissertation. A well managed and written literature review sense about the purpose of the dissertation and guides you decide how to proceed in your writing in order to remove the flaws and gaps of the matter. So, let’s extricate the ways to write a consequential and conceptual dissertation literature review – • Firstly it’s important to hang on with the topic of the dissertation and its aim of research. A fully fledged dissertation should be written parallel to the objective of the research. Hence, develop the contents in a similar manner so that gap of the research could be highlighted and overcome, also commendable points about the research can be reflected through it. • Understanding the hitches and setting up its elucidation is the next step of a firmly written literature review. To solve the problems and issues aroused in dissertation pragmatic question should be developed to get the accurate answer and the data required for its solution. • Collection of data hasn’t ended up the sense its calculation is even more important. Thus, it can be calculated by imposing points like – o Are the data’s correct and defined for particular study? o How does it influence the dissertation topic and the result? o How different data’s contrasts the result? • Once you are done with above findings and their descriptions you need to differentiate the headings and subheadings mentioning the critiques and its depiction. A closed ended literature review is expected to be wound up with summarization of all and conclusion of the...

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