Presenting a PhD thesis in front of an assessment committee can be the cause of anxiety for any research student. However, it is also essential that you keep your cool while facing them during your defence session. Else, your presentation may be disturbed or spoiled. It is critical to answer the committee’s questions in a calm and thoughtful manner. Thus, here are some tips to make you avoid nervousness during such a significant session. Trust yourself and your knowledge During a defence session, simply believe that you know it all. In fact, you do know it all, because it is your research work and you have worked hard on every single aspect of it. You have done an intensive literature review and have handled every activity on your own. When you think that nobody else knows better about your project, you start feeling more confident. This confidence can take away your nervousness in a moment. Think of winning it Instead of having the fear of failure, start imagining yourself in a winning situation where you have dealt with every question confidently. This will boost your confidence in real. You will be happier inside. This will induce calmness within your body and mind. Be prepared Although it is not an instant trick, it is still the most beneficial way of nailing your defence session. Take sufficient time for preparation well before your session is scheduled. Perform some mock sessions with your friends and learn the entire content of your project well. You should also practice answering questions that your friends or fellow students may ask you. This built-up confidence will also remove your nervousness when you are actually facing your committee. Thus, eat well and read well before your session approaches and you will be able to come out winning...