What Do You Understand By Accidental and Intentional Plagiarism

Being a research candidate, you must be cognisant of the academic integrity and plagiarism. In today’s electronic world, issues with plagiarism and integrity are too common. The temptation of ‘select-copy-paste’ and other word processing features entice scholars to use source inappropriately in small and large portion.

Before getting started with accidental and intentional plagiarism, let me ask you this question:

What exactly is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is taking someone’s words or thoughts and passing them off as one’s own work or thoughts. It is considered as a serious violation of trust in academic community.”

plagDifferent forms of Accidental and Intentional Plagiarism:

Accidental or Unintentional Plagiarism Intentional Plagiarism:
Paraphrasing Poorly:

Changing the sentence structure without changing the words of the original sentence or changing a few words without changing the sentence structure.

Passing off as someone’s own prewritten papers from the internet or other resources.
Putting quotation marks around a passage that is partly paraphrased or putting quotation mark around part of a quotation but not around all of it. Not putting quotation mark at all for the part taken from other source.
 Omitting an occasional citation or citing inaccurately  Fabricating a source or quotation
Research writing which has references to source in the text but not in bibliography Borrowing papers from a friend (In borrowing candidates take research work from their friend or anyone with their permission, they may add new introduction, conclusion or even change the name too) or purchasing the research work over the internet.
Research writing which has references to source mentioned in the bibliography but not in the text. An instant translation of research work.

How to Avoid Accidental Plagiarism:

While intentional plagiarism is something that is made deliberately by the researcher and only they can help themselves in avoiding so, but accidental plagiarism can be avoided by following the simple tips mentioned as below:

  1. Acknowledge the work of others:acknowledgeOne of the best ways to avoid accidental plagiarism is to acknowledge the original source of any information: ideas, concepts, methods and findings presented in the past research work.
  2. The quotation mark:quotation
    When you quote or copy another author’s words always use quotation mark to avoid plagiarism.
  3. Paraphrase Correctly:paraphraseParaphrasing is an effective way to avoid plagiarism, make sure you use your own words when you paraphrase or summarize text written by other authors.
  4. Take Notes Carefully:notesWhen taking notes, use quotation marks where copying text, or rewrite in your own words.
  5. Acknowledge common scientific knowledge:acknowledge-1
    Always cite past work, even if a statement looks like it’s a universally known scientific fact.

Here, go through the video for some quick and effective tips to avoid accidental plagiarism.


Want to know more? Get in touch with the writer at info@geoffandfrancis.co.uk

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